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Math Step-by-step Autograding

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The Math AI, Step-by-Step Auto-Grading system, checks each working step and provides instant feedback when students work on Algebraic Manipulative type of questions. Students can input the expressions or equations using the keyboard or the handwriting recognition feature. They are allowed to explore different methods too.

It is a web-based system and is compatible with the major platforms and browsers. There is a mobile app version for both iOS and Android users too. Simply download them from App Store and Google Play.

With this system, mastering the skills in solving algebraic questions is made easier.
Download the app today and try it!

Challenges Faced on Algebraic Topics

Challenges Faced on Algebraic Topics

Students are always given ample worksheets to practice the skills on Algebraic topics like Simplification, Expansion, Factorisation, Solving Equations, Differentiation, and Integration. Very often, they encounter the above problems. If they have gotten the concept wrong, they tend to repeat the same mistakes in all the questions given. Moreover, they will only know about their mistakes after their teachers and parents have marked their work. That could be a few hours to a few days later.

Teachers and Parents have to spend so much time marking the working steps as they care about how students got the answer, not just the final result. The time could have been spent helping students with word problems which involve more thinking and reasoning skills.

The World's First Math Algebraic Manipulative Mastery AI System

The World's First Math Algebraic Manipulative Mastery AI System
  • Students input their workings step by step with reference to the questions given.
  • The mathematical expressions or equations can be input using the keyboard or the handwriting recognition feature.
  • Each working step is checked and marked instantly.
  • The system checks if the input is an Incorrect Step, Intermediate Step or Final Answer.
    If a grey cross appears, it means the step is incorrect and student has to check back to correct the working method or step.
    If an orange tick appears, it shows that it is an intermediate working step.
    So, the student has to continue to present working steps for checking until he or she obtains a green tick.
  • Students are allowed to explore different methods too.
  • Full model solution is provided.

What are the Topics Covered?

11 Domains, 30 Topics, 1800+ Questions
Each listed topic comes with 50 practice questions.
Students are able to practice all questions to master their algebraic manipulative skills at their own pace.

Algebraic Fractions
Equation Solving (Linear)
Equation Solving (Quadratic)
Equation Solving (Inequalities)
Equation Solving (Indices)

Who Should Use The System?

  • Acquire algebraic manipulative skills
  • Practice anytime and anywhere
  • Get instant feedback before proceeding to the next step
    Able to learn from the full model solution provided

  • Use it as a tool to teach algebraic manipulative topics
  • Save time on marking hundreds or thousands of worksheets
  • Monitor the learning progress of students at the click of a button
  • Know the areas of weaknesses of students so as to better prepare the teaching materials for the next lesson

  • Enjoy the convenience of coaching their children at home
  • Use it as a revision tool before teaching their children
  • Know with confidence that their children's learning is on track as they get instant feedback to every working step and the solutions provided help their children learn
  • Help their children when they are practicing at home
  • Track the learning progress of their children


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Many students have benefited from using our program. Give your child a chance to join them today to see how learning Math can be fun, enriching and engaging.

Simply select the subscription period and make payment using Credit Card via PayPal.
After that, your account will be sent to you via email.

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School License

Engage your students in learning Math using our program. If you are a teacher and would like to enroll your class in our program, contact us at for a free quote. Bulk purchase discount available!

Franchise License

Our franchise is an affordable business opportunity to participate in the growing eLearning market.
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